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Post History: BobSpelledBackwards2

There was a big discussion about this on reddit around a month ago: …In: Placement Fumbuckery / Future of Hushville
1 year ago
I used the last year version of that app iBurn 2022.
Yes it uses the GPS on your phone. You don&# …In: Burning Man app
2 years ago
To update this useful topic (and try to summarize better than I did last year, and correct an inaccu …In: How to set up your camp for max shade / minimum wind
2 years ago
There has been some offline discussion about posting images to the forum. Here is a way that I disco …In: A way to post images to the forum
3 years ago
Is there going to be a meet and greet this year? If I recall in past years it was Monday early eveni …In: Is there going to be a meet and greet this year?
3 years ago
Continuing my last post above, I had the idea of trying the image service used for the graphic that …In: How to set up your camp for max shade / minimum wind
3 years ago
I recalled this topic from 2019 and searched for it because it was useful. The dropbox link in the o …In: How to set up your camp for max shade / minimum wind
3 years ago
Quote from James Festi on July 15, 2022, 5:08 pm
Sunrise whiskey tasting? Afternoon teatime? Be …In: Participation
3 years ago
Quote from PlumLightnin on July 31, 2022, 11:15 pm
What is a Short Short you ask? It does not refe …In: SSGT (Short Shorts and Gin&Tonics)
3 years ago
Another nice Zoom chat tonight. And we agreed to keep doing more Hushville Zoom chats irregularly, m …In: Hushville Friday Night Cocktail party TONIGHT Sep 4 on ZOOM
5 years ago
There was a nice turnout for the Hushville ShortShorts and Gin&Tonics Zoom chat this evening (an …In: Hushville Friday night cocktail party Zoom chat this Friday 7:00
5 years ago
Direct Link (meeting is currently in progress)
Join Zoom Meeting …In: Is ShortShorts and Gin&Tonics on Wednesday as usual?
5 years ago
After writing the following I found that I don't have permission to create a new topic in Hushv …In: Burning Man canceled for 2020
5 years ago
Hello PlumLightnin!
Actually, I was joking, thinking nostalgically about past ShortShorts and Gin …In: Is ShortShorts and Gin&Tonics on Wednesday as usual?
5 years ago
The thing to subscribe to might actually be called a "forum" not a "topic". Sin …In: Is anybody missing The Burn?
5 years ago
Quote from Tove on August 31, 2020, 9:43 pm
I miss the days when everyone on the Hushville list rec …In: Is anybody missing The Burn?
5 years ago
So is ShortShorts and Gin&Tonics happening? If I recall it is Wednesday of burn week, which is o …In: Is ShortShorts and Gin&Tonics on Wednesday as usual?
5 years ago
5 years ago