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πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ More events! Yes please! Nom nom! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Well heeiiii dusty neighbours!


It’s not long now… Seriously unlong! How frickin compressed is time right now?!


Regardless of the stretchiness of time, we need more event registrations please... Like, HEAPS more! Like, we are begging to be swamped and overwhelmed by Hushville events!


There are a couple of ways that you can fire your events at us:

  1. jump into the Hushville events page and submit an event
  2. check out the Hushville events calendar to see who already has what planned and when, then email your event deets (your name, camp name, event name, date, time and location) to us at events(at)hushville(dot)org. We'll pop it in the calendar for y'all!


Don't know wtf you're doing?! Perfect - neither do we! Email us at events(at)hushville(dot)org and we'll muddle through it together to co-create something epic πŸ’–


Also, we wanna acknowledge by naming and (un)shaming those camps who have already powered up their glorious events into zee cloud. Y’all are frickin legends and we appreciate you!Β 


  • Crusty Swan
  • Home Sweet Dome
  • Toony Loons
  • Janky Camp
  • Random Camp
  • other high-functioning, ridiculously organised camps whose names I have missed


May your dust be extra dusty today πŸ’–


Brother Monkey and Infinite Con(Vom)fetti xx