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So go ahead and register, create your username and password and join the fun.  You MUST include your  first and last name in your registration. We urge you to subscribe to the Announcements topic at least, to get important info from the Flounders in your email inbox. The subscribe link is at the bottom of each page in the topics. 

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Good morning Hushville!

As you may have read in the most recent Jack Rabbit Speaks, the BMORG is calling for massive amounts of Capital P - PARTICIPATION for 2019 (which will be a future trend, for sure).    Participation is a key element of the 10 Principles and also a critical factor in our ability to remain a placed Village at Burning Man.    We need your help!

As you know, we are kicking up our Participation and Interactivity this year with the new FLASH CUBE and also more Theme Camp Events (thank you Theme Camps!).

Here are some PRE-FAB (pre-crafted and fabulous) FLASH CUBE EVENTS that we need volunteer hosts for.   We have worked to make these as turnkey as possible.  We provide any materials and you get a 5 minute intro on HOW TO HOST.   Each event is 1 hour.  Scheduling these events are flexible with your availability.  So easy!

Please take a look at the list below (there are new events listed) and sign up to volunteer to host one (or more!).    You will bring all the fun!

If you have additional pre-fab ideas, and/or to host an event, please contact me at events(at)Hushville(dot)org.

Thanks much, Cupcake

Pool Noodle Fencing – Dueling with pool noodles for bragging rights!

Playa-Ku – Create your best haiku poem using standard 5-7-5 format.    Random poems displayed on E Street.

Love Notes from the Playa – Write a sentimental message to your loved one(s) on playa, off playa, or for the Temple.

Dusty Palm Reading/Fortune Telling – What’s in your future?  Come have a Hushvillian read your palm/tell your fortune.

Paging Dr. Fixit – Better than the Magic 8 Ball, bring a question/problem and ask for a good/bad solution.  No outcomes guaranteed.

NEW - Painted Tattoos - Have an inexperienced Hushvillian tattoo artist tattoo YOU with stenciled colorful dust.

NEW - Playa Weddings - Renew your vows or make some vows.  Commitment ceremonies and weddings that are abSOULutely unofficial and totally not legal.

I'll do Pool Noodle Fencing if I can do it Tuesday afternoon--1pm.




Hi Brigit,

Thanks for the reply!  I'll connect with you via email to sort out details.

Best, Cupcake