Ask questions, share ideas, promote your event and much much more. You have come to the right place.
So go ahead and register, create your username and password and join the fun. You MUST include your first and last name in your registration. We urge you to subscribe to the Announcements topic at least, to get important info from the Flounders in your email inbox. The subscribe link is at the bottom of each page in the topics.
If you receive a log in message saying your profile is waiting approval please email admin(at)hushville(dot)org

Quote from Cupcake on August 1, 2019, 11:25 amHello Hushville!
Great news on the Events front – our Hushville and Flash Cube calendars are starting to fill out – thanks so much for doing your thing!
If you click on this link, you can see all the current Events listed on each calendar – and you will see that there is still room for more!
If you haven’t signed up yet, there are still slots available and some of the best openings are Evenings from 5 PM to Dusk when it’s a little cooler. After Dark is also wide open all week - Tea and Fortune Telling by twinkle lights anyone?
There are still a number of PRE-FAB events available to host! We’re flex and can have multiple sessions of each event so let me know what you’re into and we’ll find a fun event, date/time that’s available. Reach out to me here: events(at)Hushville(dot)org
PRE-FAB events include:
Pool Noodle Fencing – Dueling with pool noodles for bragging rights!
Playa-Ku – Create your best haiku poem using standard 5-7-5 format. Random poems displayed on E Street.
Love Notes from the Playa – Write a sentimental message to your loved one(s) on playa, off playa, or for the Temple.
Dusty Palm Reading/Fortune Telling – What’s in your future? Come have a Hushvillian read your palm/tell your fortune.
Paging Dr. Fixit – Better than the Magic 8 Ball, bring a question/problem and ask for a good/bad solution. No outcomes guaranteed.
NEW - Painted Tattoos - Have an inexperienced Hushvillian tattoo artist tattoo YOU with stenciled colorful dust.
NEW - Playa Weddings - Renew your vows or make some vows. Commitment ceremonies and weddings that are abSOULutely unofficial and totally not legal.
We just booked our first Guest Presenter – the Bureau of Erotic Discourse will give an Interactive Consent Presentation on Sunday afternoon 8/25 (4 – 5 PM), to talk about all things Consent! (Please bring your chair with you to this event.) Immediately preceding BED’s Consent event, Camp Maru will be hosting Dr. Bizzaro’s Personality Tests starting at 2 PM on Sunday – no chair needed! We also have a FULL DAY of events on Monday, prior to our Monday afternoon Meet & Greet, so please check them out here:
Just so you don’t have to keep this info in your head, we will be posting a PRINT VERSION of both Hushville and Flash Cube Events Calendars on the Town Round Bulletin Board. We invite you to snap a photo of it when you arrive so you have it handy everywhere you go.
Lastly, if you are hosting an event in the Flash Cube gifting food to our fellow BRC citizens, please ensure you are aware of any Food Permit requirements. Food Permit applications are due well in advance of your event and are not available on playa so please don’t wait until it’s too late. Here’s a handy link:
Good vibes as you prep and pack!
Cordially, Cupcake
Hello Hushville!
Great news on the Events front – our Hushville and Flash Cube calendars are starting to fill out – thanks so much for doing your thing!
If you click on this link, you can see all the current Events listed on each calendar – and you will see that there is still room for more!
If you haven’t signed up yet, there are still slots available and some of the best openings are Evenings from 5 PM to Dusk when it’s a little cooler. After Dark is also wide open all week - Tea and Fortune Telling by twinkle lights anyone?
There are still a number of PRE-FAB events available to host! We’re flex and can have multiple sessions of each event so let me know what you’re into and we’ll find a fun event, date/time that’s available. Reach out to me here: events(at)Hushville(dot)org
PRE-FAB events include:
Pool Noodle Fencing – Dueling with pool noodles for bragging rights!
Playa-Ku – Create your best haiku poem using standard 5-7-5 format. Random poems displayed on E Street.
Love Notes from the Playa – Write a sentimental message to your loved one(s) on playa, off playa, or for the Temple.
Dusty Palm Reading/Fortune Telling – What’s in your future? Come have a Hushvillian read your palm/tell your fortune.
Paging Dr. Fixit – Better than the Magic 8 Ball, bring a question/problem and ask for a good/bad solution. No outcomes guaranteed.
NEW - Painted Tattoos - Have an inexperienced Hushvillian tattoo artist tattoo YOU with stenciled colorful dust.
NEW - Playa Weddings - Renew your vows or make some vows. Commitment ceremonies and weddings that are abSOULutely unofficial and totally not legal.
We just booked our first Guest Presenter – the Bureau of Erotic Discourse will give an Interactive Consent Presentation on Sunday afternoon 8/25 (4 – 5 PM), to talk about all things Consent! (Please bring your chair with you to this event.) Immediately preceding BED’s Consent event, Camp Maru will be hosting Dr. Bizzaro’s Personality Tests starting at 2 PM on Sunday – no chair needed! We also have a FULL DAY of events on Monday, prior to our Monday afternoon Meet & Greet, so please check them out here:
Just so you don’t have to keep this info in your head, we will be posting a PRINT VERSION of both Hushville and Flash Cube Events Calendars on the Town Round Bulletin Board. We invite you to snap a photo of it when you arrive so you have it handy everywhere you go.
Lastly, if you are hosting an event in the Flash Cube gifting food to our fellow BRC citizens, please ensure you are aware of any Food Permit requirements. Food Permit applications are due well in advance of your event and are not available on playa so please don’t wait until it’s too late. Here’s a handy link:
Good vibes as you prep and pack!
Cordially, Cupcake