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2023 Fundraising
Quote from
ElLeon on June 19, 2023, 9:38 pm
Hushville does not charge a fee to camp in our village, however from time to time we need to purchase or replace some of our existing infrastructure and cover the cost of transporting the infrastructure to Playa. In the past we have collected donations on playa. This year in order to make things easier we are asking that you help our village by donating what you can online.
So if you feel inclined to help us out you can use PayPal to send your donation, please code it as 'payment to a friend' not to a business since we get charged a fee if coded to a business. You can make your donation directly to using your PayPal account. That will direct it to our Hushville infrastructure fund.
We thank you in advance for your help and are very excited to welcome you home to the village for the 2023 Burn.
El Leon
Hushville Mayor
Hushville does not charge a fee to camp in our village, however from time to time we need to purchase or replace some of our existing infrastructure and cover the cost of transporting the infrastructure to Playa. In the past we have collected donations on playa. This year in order to make things easier we are asking that you help our village by donating what you can online.
So if you feel inclined to help us out you can use PayPal to send your donation, please code it as 'payment to a friend' not to a business since we get charged a fee if coded to a business. You can make your donation directly to using your PayPal account. That will direct it to our Hushville infrastructure fund.
We thank you in advance for your help and are very excited to welcome you home to the village for the 2023 Burn.
El Leon
Hushville Mayor
You might want to mention what you are funding. I'm all for helping Hushville, but much less likely to donate to some blind fund.
You might want to mention what you are funding. I'm all for helping Hushville, but much less likely to donate to some blind fund.
Quote from
ElLeon on June 23, 2023, 5:24 pm
The largest expense we'll have this year is the truck rental of $800 to bring our infrastructure up from the Bay Area. We also purchasing a couple more tables and four chairs for the Flash Cube final costs tbd. One or two additional items usually pop up before the event. For example, last year we had to buy some additional t-stakes and flagging.
The largest expense we'll have this year is the truck rental of $800 to bring our infrastructure up from the Bay Area. We also purchasing a couple more tables and four chairs for the Flash Cube final costs tbd. One or two additional items usually pop up before the event. For example, last year we had to buy some additional t-stakes and flagging.
Quote from
Deepstar on June 23, 2023, 6:03 pm
We also year over year have expenses for our website and to continue to improve Hushville, the original town round and the current flash cube were funded through donations. If you want Hushville to continue to upgrade and enhance our village then we need your help, without having reserve funds available we are unable to "forward plan" and are unable to make purchases on the hope people will donate in future to cover costs individuals within the organizing group put out of their own pockets to purchase things. A reserve fund is critical. So for all of you who have already donated, thank you and for those of you who haven't ultimately its your choice, we respect that but hope you will invest in Hushvilles future
We also year over year have expenses for our website and to continue to improve Hushville, the original town round and the current flash cube were funded through donations. If you want Hushville to continue to upgrade and enhance our village then we need your help, without having reserve funds available we are unable to "forward plan" and are unable to make purchases on the hope people will donate in future to cover costs individuals within the organizing group put out of their own pockets to purchase things. A reserve fund is critical. So for all of you who have already donated, thank you and for those of you who haven't ultimately its your choice, we respect that but hope you will invest in Hushvilles future