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3rd LNT Post of 2019
Quote from
ElLeon on July 20, 2019, 9:31 am
Again RTFSG. The 2019 version is out. Here is link: Read all of it. It could actually save your life. Also, from my perspective the most important part is the Leave No Trace section. Read it. Do what it says. It will make my job easier and it will help insure that Hushville continues to keep it's good score on the MOOP map.
Again RTFSG. The 2019 version is out. Here is link: Read all of it. It could actually save your life. Also, from my perspective the most important part is the Leave No Trace section. Read it. Do what it says. It will make my job easier and it will help insure that Hushville continues to keep it's good score on the MOOP map.