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An update from Placement

Quote from Deepstar on January 23, 2021, 10:57 amHere is an update from placement on their thinking on this years event. Also there is a survey they are doing and we would encourage all of the Hushvillian's to take a few minutes to complete it. The more info we can provide BMORG with the better they can plan for 2021. Below is the update and link.
It’s January and typically the time of year when we come off the hangovers of the holiday season - and boy, was 2020 a hangover! January is when we begin thinking about our goals for the year ahead, and when many of us ask ourselves, “Do we want to do that thing in the desert again?” Maybe you’ve found a dusty headlamp, or maybe the bill for your storage is due… or maybe it’s this e-mail that’s whispered into your ear… Burning Man.
This year, however, is no typical year. We’ve already received questions from some of you asking if Black Rock City will be built in 2021, how tickets might work, or when the Placement Questionnaire will open. Alas, my best response at this time is to take a deep breath and practice patience as we all sort this pandemic out together. We have assembled a COVID-19 Task Force to stay on top of how things are trending, and have shared some of how we’re preparing in this recent post in the Burning Man Journal, “Bring on the Fresh Dust of 2021.”
We know information and communication are of critical importance in this special year, so we’re firing up our engines to keep you up to date about what’s up for 2021. You’ll know things as soon as we know. I pinky swear.
With 2020 receding into the past, it’s time to focus on what lies ahead. As part of our planning process, we want to hear from you and your thoughts on making it out to the desert this year. We created this 2021 Foresight Survey for the entire Burning Man community to complete.
Please share it with everyone in your entire camp community.
Your input is crucial as we study the feasibility of building Black Rock City together this year, and we can’t build this city without you. It should take 15-30 minutes to complete and will close at 12:01 pm Pacific Time on January 28, 2021. In case you missed it, link to survey is here.
Level, Placement Manager
Here is an update from placement on their thinking on this years event. Also there is a survey they are doing and we would encourage all of the Hushvillian's to take a few minutes to complete it. The more info we can provide BMORG with the better they can plan for 2021. Below is the update and link.
It’s January and typically the time of year when we come off the hangovers of the holiday season - and boy, was 2020 a hangover! January is when we begin thinking about our goals for the year ahead, and when many of us ask ourselves, “Do we want to do that thing in the desert again?” Maybe you’ve found a dusty headlamp, or maybe the bill for your storage is due… or maybe it’s this e-mail that’s whispered into your ear… Burning Man.
This year, however, is no typical year. We’ve already received questions from some of you asking if Black Rock City will be built in 2021, how tickets might work, or when the Placement Questionnaire will open. Alas, my best response at this time is to take a deep breath and practice patience as we all sort this pandemic out together. We have assembled a COVID-19 Task Force to stay on top of how things are trending, and have shared some of how we’re preparing in this recent post in the Burning Man Journal, “Bring on the Fresh Dust of 2021.”
We know information and communication are of critical importance in this special year, so we’re firing up our engines to keep you up to date about what’s up for 2021. You’ll know things as soon as we know. I pinky swear.
With 2020 receding into the past, it’s time to focus on what lies ahead. As part of our planning process, we want to hear from you and your thoughts on making it out to the desert this year. We created this 2021 Foresight Survey for the entire Burning Man community to complete.
Please share it with everyone in your entire camp community.
Your input is crucial as we study the feasibility of building Black Rock City together this year, and we can’t build this city without you. It should take 15-30 minutes to complete and will close at 12:01 pm Pacific Time on January 28, 2021. In case you missed it, link to survey is here.
Level, Placement Manager