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Anahasana, Our Neighbor Village
Hi Everyone,
I looked up the 550 person, heavily-event-scheduled village adjacent to us, Anahasana. They and their transformational programming sound wonderful, and I really look forward to spending some daylight hours next door. (Link to their "About" webpage below.) However I'm apprehensive about all-night kirtan (chanting) and ecstatic dancing with DJ. I expect they will be sensitive to the nature of, and boundary with, Hushville, but I wonder if any Hushville admin or others have had a conversation with Anahasana folks about planning the placement of night-time noise-generating activities within their village. Peace.
Hi Everyone,
I looked up the 550 person, heavily-event-scheduled village adjacent to us, Anahasana. They and their transformational programming sound wonderful, and I really look forward to spending some daylight hours next door. (Link to their "About" webpage below.) However I'm apprehensive about all-night kirtan (chanting) and ecstatic dancing with DJ. I expect they will be sensitive to the nature of, and boundary with, Hushville, but I wonder if any Hushville admin or others have had a conversation with Anahasana folks about planning the placement of night-time noise-generating activities within their village. Peace.
Great question. It'd be lovely to not share a border with their "generator zone" (assuming they're still using the same configuration as 2015-
Great question. It'd be lovely to not share a border with their "generator zone" (assuming they're still using the same configuration as 2015-
Quote from
Deepstar on July 25, 2018, 7:49 pm
Anahasana Village will not be our neighbors this year, they occupy the west end of our block and we occupy the east end. Between us is a 100ft strip which we believe has Shamandome on the E street side and Camp Wishmaker on our G street side. I have spoken to both groups and assuming our calculations are correct they are both excited to be our Neighbors. And we think they will be great.
Deepstar - Hushville Placement
Anahasana Village will not be our neighbors this year, they occupy the west end of our block and we occupy the east end. Between us is a 100ft strip which we believe has Shamandome on the E street side and Camp Wishmaker on our G street side. I have spoken to both groups and assuming our calculations are correct they are both excited to be our Neighbors. And we think they will be great.
Deepstar - Hushville Placement
brigitgoddess has reacted to this post.
Thanks very much for clarification and outreach, Deepstar.
Thanks very much for clarification and outreach, Deepstar.
Any idea who is across the street from us on G? Or across from us on the 6:30 and G radial?
Any idea who is across the street from us on G? Or across from us on the 6:30 and G radial?
Quote from
Deepstar on August 1, 2018, 7:23 am
No we can't be sure of who are neighbors will be and as you know, people have "playa plans" that sometimes turn into "playa realities" and things change. There is an unofficial map of BRC, there is no guarantee it's accurate but camps can place their general coordinates on if about where they "think" they will for your viewing is the link
No we can't be sure of who are neighbors will be and as you know, people have "playa plans" that sometimes turn into "playa realities" and things change. There is an unofficial map of BRC, there is no guarantee it's accurate but camps can place their general coordinates on if about where they "think" they will for your viewing is the link