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Anyone else renting a bike from Playa Bike Repair? Or can tow a trailer?

Hi Hushville-ians (Hush-villains?),

I'm planning to rent a bike from Playa Bike Repair. Apparently starting in 2022, BMORG isn't allowing bike rentals on-playa. That means all bikes need to be rented off-playa and brought in. PBR is dealing with this by loading up to 20 bikes on 17-foot trailers that theme camps can then pick up/return in Gerlach.

I'm hoping enough Hushville folk will be renting from PBR that we can get a trailer (it would require an unspecified "minimum" number of rentals) and figure out how to transport it for the convenience of everyone, including me -- I'm getting a ride in with a friend who will be camping elsewhere; she's renting a campervan and pictures seem to indicate the van won't have a hitch. 🙁

So please reply if you're planning to rent a bike from Playa Bike Repair and/or if you can pick up a trailer if enough Hushville folk rent from PBR (and for the latter, when you plan to arrive)!



Assia has reacted to this post.

Hi Kristin (and everyone!)

Has there been any progress on this topic since Kristin's post a month ago?

I'm looking to rent a bike and am trying to figure out how to get it to Hushville as it won't fit in my car. This is my first burn, so any advice would be welcome : )



Assia has reacted to this post.

Hi Tom,

I don't have any updates on the Hushville end, though Playa Bike Repair has made some changes (pickup will be in Reno instead of Gerlach).

My current Plan B is to borrow a friend's bike rack and hope it fits onto the campervan that my ride is renting. I'm not sure how many bikes it holds, but if it's more than one I'm willing to pick up & return a bike for you from Playa Bike Repair (assuming they allow that & the rack works with the rental campervan, which I won't know until 8/27)!

Take care,


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I would also love to know more about this Plan B possibility/option Kristin. I really hope it can work out.

I don't have any new info yet (still haven't gotten the bike rack yet; no idea how many bikes it can hold and we can't pick up the campervan rental until 9am PST next Saturday, so I won't know until after then if they play nice together), but Playa Bike Repair has updated their website to say that the minimum for a trailer is 10 bikes. So if all of us on this thread and 7 more people in Hushville rent from them, we won't even have to worry about Plan B!