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Arctica Shift - volunteers wanted!

Looking for volunteers
The easiest, coolest job on playa
We need a bunch of fun loving humans to help out.
We need your help to fill the roles below and we have a deadline of
Sunday, June 25th 2023 at 11:59PM
Or else we get cut from the opportunity to run a shift there 😩
Here’s the details:
DATE: Wednesday, August 30, 2023
LOCATION: 3:00 Ice House
TIME: 2:45pm - 6:15pm
Who we need:
Greeters x 1
cashiers x3
Pushers x 3
Slingers x 3
Swingshift x 3
Line barker x 1
So a total of 13 people - 9 need to be able to lift 45 lbs 😃
This tells you about the roles
Important Info:
•Ensure your name and email address match your Burner Profile and Volunteer Questionnaire
•If they do not, you will NOT be added to the shift
•This is a first-come, first-served system. If the role you are interested in is full, please select another.


Pop your name in the comments section below and Lead Penguin Dave will make contact with you =)

Hi. I can be a greeter, a cashier, a slinger, or a line barker... Put me where you need me!  Thanks- jonineez

Hey y’all

Lead penguin here 🐧

Thanks jonineez for jumping on board

Looking for a bunch more tho 😃


Time to come and get chill in the heat of the desert

…you might even become dessert 🍨

TonyB here.. I can assist in any of the areas