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Arctica volunteer lead for Hushville group?

I see Arctica has the ice volunteer signup live now, but don't know if
H'ville had a presence there last year since I missed it. In previous years
someone has volunteered to organize a full shift by H'ville folks. Anyone
up for that this year? It's great fun, from greeters to slingers, not to
mention the option of being nice and cold when it is searing outside, and
I'd love to join a group of us if someone (else) will organize it. As I've
got two other events I'm already sponsoring, I'm hopinig someone will step
up and take this on. How about it?


Hi Plum, I missed the date for theme camp to sign up this year with Arctica, and now many of the shifts are reserved for theme camps through the 24th of July. Then all shifts will open up and I'll suggest a day(s) for Hushville to signup together for shifts that have a lot of spots that are available. Wednesday the 29th of August comes to mind but I'll be looking to see which shifts have most openings. Actually I may be out of town and could use a proxy penguin to look see the best day and time for this. Hope to see you on the ice line. Tig