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CALL FOR ART - Anti M's Home For Wayward Art

Hello Hushville!

Our fabulous art curator Anti M will be returning to Hushville this year with her Home For Wayward Art.    We’re very excited about it!   For those of you who have been in Hushville for some time, you know that Anti M and her artist friends gift many original art pieces to BRC citizens each year and you may have been lucky enough to adopt one of these works during your time at Burning Man.

To help with this endeavor, we are putting out a CALL FOR ART!

Yes, YOU can contribute some SUPER COOL ART to the gallery that will be up for adoption along with additions from Anti M and other Burning Man artists!    Help us fill up the gallery!

Please bring ART that is suitable for adoption:


ORIGINAL Art is awesome

WEIRD Art is highly encouraged

3D and Mixed Media Art is good too (please nothing MOOPY!)

Art should be no larger than 8”x 10”

Sturdy (mounted, framed or sturdy material only - example - canvas board or similar)

Can be photographs, paintings, prints, etc.

Other hand-made/art-y items (pendants, stickers, patches, bookmarks, bracelets, etc.) will be added to the Treasure Box for gifting.

Many thanks for supporting the gallery!

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Michael Schumann