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Callout for More Volunteers and Needs for Hushville Library!

Hi Hushvillians, this is Sherry Huggi-Ma, aka Shits N Giggles (call me whatever is easiest) and Scooter (Shirt Cocking Sparkle Pony), and we are going to help lead the Hushville Silent Library this year…yeee-haw! I hope you’re as excited as we are to get this…shhhh…readable station creation started. 

- INFRASTRUCTURE: Who here has extra EZ-UPS they can bring to help create shade? We might be set if we can get two more along with Isabel’s (thanks Isabel!). Anyone?

DRY ERASE BOARD & BULLETIN BOARD: Who might have one or both of these? This is for posting notes, schedules, missed connections, some suggested good books to read, etc.

BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS! Any fun, fiction, or fantasy books you’d like Burners to read? Or any “How to’s…” or biography of some kooky person’s life? Please bring those books to the Hushville library (provided you also take home what you bring, as we don’t have room to take items off playa). Thanks a bunch! Reading is underrated these days. 😉

LIBRARY VOLUNTEERS: Thank you for everyone who has signed up so far. This is going to be a great crew. We still have 7 more shifts to fill…any takers? 

COSTUMES: We would LOVE it if you chose a librarian character to be during your volunteer time. Here is a great link for 50 fictional librarians to choose from. Sexy librarians are always popular. 😉

DRAG STORY TELLING TIME: If you feel comfy dressing in drag to read to the “kids” in the library, please feel free to do so during your library shift. If you let us know that you'd like to participate, we can try to schedule it and announce the timing on Playa Events (or any other platform where we can publicly share this activity).

FAIRIES READING FAIRY TALES: Similar as being in drag, if you’d like to dress up as a fairy during your shift and have “fairy tale” stories to read to folks, by all means, please do so. Bring on the theatrics!

STRIKE! PLEASE help us take down and take away items from the library. We don’t have storage at our house for said items, so as much help getting things off playa as possible will be great.

Thank you all again…see you in the dust!