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Cleaner Ice Chest Water
Quote from
Tig on August 19, 2022, 12:53 pm
Dusty Greeting from the Eco/LNT team, BobSpelledBackwards, Chow & Tig.
MOOP moment: When packing that cooler adding “Secondary Containment” for your ice helps to keep food debris, detached labels & other contaminants out of melted water. This allows for clean water to be repurposed into your shower set-up or dispersed onto the playa safely avoiding MOOP.
Dusty Greeting from the Eco/LNT team, BobSpelledBackwards, Chow & Tig.
MOOP moment: When packing that cooler adding “Secondary Containment” for your ice helps to keep food debris, detached labels & other contaminants out of melted water. This allows for clean water to be repurposed into your shower set-up or dispersed onto the playa safely avoiding MOOP.
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