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Considering Volunteering With A BRC Volunteer Team
Quote from
ElLeon on August 3, 2023, 9:00 pm
BRC runs on Volunteers. Many Hushvillians Volunteer with BRC departments including Gate, Rangers, Artery, DPW, Artica, Greeters, and many others. This year some departments are having trouble filling some shifts and roles. So please take a look at the different departments listed here: Volunteer Teams | Burning Man and see if any one of them strikes your fancy sign up to work a shift or two.
BRC runs on Volunteers. Many Hushvillians Volunteer with BRC departments including Gate, Rangers, Artery, DPW, Artica, Greeters, and many others. This year some departments are having trouble filling some shifts and roles. So please take a look at the different departments listed here: Volunteer Teams | Burning Man and see if any one of them strikes your fancy sign up to work a shift or two.