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Emergency Services on Playa

While we believe in the principle of radical self reliance there are times when you may need to contact Emergency Services.

In the past they monitored channel 5 on the MURS radio systems but they no longer do that. They have moved to the new service below

There is a 911 service called BRC911 ALT and we will be maintaining a ham radio at our Greeter Station/Camp Toony Loons for us to contact them on your behalf.

Please keep in mind this a "best effort service" and there will be times when we are not available. In those cases your best option is to flag down a Ranger or police vehicle or any BRC staff driving by. If no one is in the area you can go to a Ranger Outpost or ESD station to request help.

It is recommended that you do not try to call 911 on your cell since that will route off playa to a regional dispatch center which will likely not have the contact info to reach on playa emergency services.

Below is the link to the BM Emergency Contact process to both send and receive emergency information. Its worth a read.
