Oh well hey there curiouser and curiouser hoomans!
Are you ready to brave the dust/wind/mud/hellfire that awaits us in just over eleven weeks? Too soon? I know right! In any case, the Hushville family is gearing up for our best year yet <3
I want to host an event!
The events team has [drumroll] officially opened the events submission page, so you can start sharing your juicy offerings here. Please just check the calendar first to make sure you don't double up with another event. The submissions will come through to the events team and we’ll give them the big ole tick of approval to let you know that you’re all set.
I want to the whole of BRC to know about my event!
As always, Burning Man Org looooves to know what we’re up to, so we *highly encourage* y’all to also register your events in the WhatWhereWhen guide aka the Playa Events guide. It’s open from 22-29 June (printed guide) and from 22 June to 11 August (digital guide/apps). We get major brownie points for upleveling our interactivity, so please register your events if poss!
I want to host a food event!
Yes! Yummy! We love food events! But we all less-than-love illnesses that can come about from food related events. That’s why food health/hygiene permits are required for many playa foodie offerings such as snow cones, pancakes, freshly squeezed juice and other tasty morsels. You can check whether you need a permit here (scroll to the bottom of the page for the BRC-specific form). It’s super important that all Hushville food events that require a permit *actually have the permit*, otherwise our camp lead can get in big trouble (yikes!).
I have questions!
Excellent! We would love to make up answers to your burning questions about events! Just fire them through to events(at)hushville(dot)org and we’ll do our best to muddle our way through them with you <3
Your events co-conspirators,
Brother Monkey and Infinite Confetti xx
Oh well hey there curiouser and curiouser hoomans!
Are you ready to brave the dust/wind/mud/hellfire that awaits us in just over eleven weeks? Too soon? I know right! In any case, the Hushville family is gearing up for our best year yet <3
I want to host an event!
The events team has [drumroll] officially opened the events submission page, so you can start sharing your juicy offerings here. Please just check the calendar first to make sure you don't double up with another event. The submissions will come through to the events team and we’ll give them the big ole tick of approval to let you know that you’re all set.
I want to the whole of BRC to know about my event!
As always, Burning Man Org looooves to know what we’re up to, so we *highly encourage* y’all to also register your events in the WhatWhereWhen guide aka the Playa Events guide. It’s open from 22-29 June (printed guide) and from 22 June to 11 August (digital guide/apps). We get major brownie points for upleveling our interactivity, so please register your events if poss!
I want to host a food event!
Yes! Yummy! We love food events! But we all less-than-love illnesses that can come about from food related events. That’s why food health/hygiene permits are required for many playa foodie offerings such as snow cones, pancakes, freshly squeezed juice and other tasty morsels. You can check whether you need a permit here (scroll to the bottom of the page for the BRC-specific form). It’s super important that all Hushville food events that require a permit *actually have the permit*, otherwise our camp lead can get in big trouble (yikes!).
I have questions!
Excellent! We would love to make up answers to your burning questions about events! Just fire them through to events(at)hushville(dot)org and we’ll do our best to muddle our way through them with you <3
Your events co-conspirators,
Brother Monkey and Infinite Confetti xx