Ask questions, share ideas, promote your event and much much more. You have come to the right place.
So go ahead and register, create your username and password and join the fun. You MUST include your first and last name in your registration. We urge you to subscribe to the Announcements topic at least, to get important info from the Flounders in your email inbox. The subscribe link is at the bottom of each page in the topics.
If you receive a log in message saying your profile is waiting approval please email admin(at)hushville(dot)org

Quote from Cupcake on July 10, 2019, 11:22 amHello Hushville, your Events Coordinator Cupcake here!
By now you are likely heavy into planning for your playa adventure that is coming up in a few short weeks. We are too! As you know, 2019 is ALL about the Interactivity and we are totally down with that.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, we have a NEW EVENT SPACE called the FLASH CUBE for your use to host events to engage Hushvillians and BRC citizens alike. This new space will have E Street frontage and measure approximately 30 feet wide X 20 feet deep. The best part – IT’S SHADED! This is a 24/7 space and we will have twinkle lights for evening too. A folding table and 2 chairs will also be provided.
This shared space is available by reservation and at this moment there are plenty of time slots available. Don’t wait!HOW TO USE THE FLASH CUBEHOST YOUR OWN EVENTSecure your date/time now by contacting me at events(at)Hushville(dot)org with your Event name, description, proposed time, date and duration.Also, we have some Flash Cube Events that we need host volunteers to run. You KNOW you wanna!This is the fun part – all the work except for the hosting has already been done for you. And don’t worry, you’ll get a quick tutorial before your host shift so you’re comfortable with bringing ALL the fun to BRC!
VOLUNTEER HOST FLASH CUBE EVENTSHere are some Flash Cube Events that need hosts:
1 HOUR EVENTS – (Multiple shifts available for each event - you tell us when YOU can host & we will find a time slot!)Pool Noodle Fencing – Dueling with pool noodles for bragging rights!
Playa-Ku – Create your best haiku poem using standard 5-7-5 format. Random poems displayed on E Street.
Love Notes from the Playa – Write a sentimental message to your loved one(s) on playa, off playa, or for the Temple.
Dusty Palm Reading/Fortune Telling – What’s in your future? Come have a Hushvillian read your palm/tell your fortune.
Paging Dr. Fixit – Better than the Magic 8 Ball, bring a question/problem and ask for a good/bad solution. No outcomes guaranteed.
To volunteer to host the above Flash Cube Events or to Host Your Own Event at the FLASH CUBE, contact me at events(at)Hushville(dot)org and let me know what event you would like to host, and what time(s). I’ll get you on the calendar!
More Volunteer Hosting Events on the way!
Many thanks!
Hello Hushville, your Events Coordinator Cupcake here!
By now you are likely heavy into planning for your playa adventure that is coming up in a few short weeks. We are too! As you know, 2019 is ALL about the Interactivity and we are totally down with that.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, we have a NEW EVENT SPACE called the FLASH CUBE for your use to host events to engage Hushvillians and BRC citizens alike. This new space will have E Street frontage and measure approximately 30 feet wide X 20 feet deep. The best part – IT’S SHADED! This is a 24/7 space and we will have twinkle lights for evening too. A folding table and 2 chairs will also be provided.
This shared space is available by reservation and at this moment there are plenty of time slots available. Don’t wait!
This is the fun part – all the work except for the hosting has already been done for you. And don’t worry, you’ll get a quick tutorial before your host shift so you’re comfortable with bringing ALL the fun to BRC!
Here are some Flash Cube Events that need hosts:
Pool Noodle Fencing – Dueling with pool noodles for bragging rights!
Playa-Ku – Create your best haiku poem using standard 5-7-5 format. Random poems displayed on E Street.
Love Notes from the Playa – Write a sentimental message to your loved one(s) on playa, off playa, or for the Temple.
Dusty Palm Reading/Fortune Telling – What’s in your future? Come have a Hushvillian read your palm/tell your fortune.
Paging Dr. Fixit – Better than the Magic 8 Ball, bring a question/problem and ask for a good/bad solution. No outcomes guaranteed.
To volunteer to host the above Flash Cube Events or to Host Your Own Event at the FLASH CUBE, contact me at events(at)Hushville(dot)org and let me know what event you would like to host, and what time(s). I’ll get you on the calendar!
More Volunteer Hosting Events on the way!
Many thanks!