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Happy Holidays

A very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays......however you celebrate this season. Wishing you all the very best in 2022 as the world begins to light up again.....

From  Canada to all of you

Vermillion has reacted to this post.

Nice to hear from you, Deepstar! Happy holidays to you as well. I had a very delightful and delicious dinner with Magic Marty (Marks) a couple of nights ago. He turns 90 in April.
Vermillion (Leslie in Sausalito, departing shortly for Todos Santos, Baja Sur)

Glad to hear the namesake of the Magic Marty Immodest Mimosa Mile (MMIMM) is still kickin', if not on the playa.

SO looking forward to getting back to the Playa in '22.  Hard to say how the event will feel with ongoing covid, but for me it's important to get back there and give it our best shot, adapting as necessary.    The MMIMM and SSGT (Short Shorts and Gin&Tonics) will be there, and perhaps even a third event under my sponsorship if I get ambitious.

I hope y'all are also thinking about events you might sponsor for the commonweal of Hushville as well as Burners generally.

Can't wait to experience our exciting, dusty realm and see everyone again!  Kippis!
