Normally today I'd be into my second day of running the bar at the midsummer weekend festivities at the Finnish American Home Association I volunteer with in Sonoma, but, like the Burn this year, the Juhannus celebration ain't happening. Nonetheless I wish you all a happy midsummer and hope you and yours are doing well, or at least OK.
As a project-oriented constructin' kinda guy, I will never run out of things to do, from house and landscaping improvements to car mods and motorcycle rebuilds, but I know some folks are REALLY sick of staying home. I've heard some say that pandemics end when people just get tired of the restrictions, say fuck it, and do what they want as more people get sick and die. In some ways, that seems like where we are now society-wide. For my part, I plan to go camping, taking precautions around others, etc.
Hey, if anyone is in the East Bay, they may want to take a little jaunt around downtown Oakland (we did Broadway from about 12th to 20th) and check out the murals-on-plywood. Some really great protest art.
Normally today I'd be into my second day of running the bar at the midsummer weekend festivities at the Finnish American Home Association I volunteer with in Sonoma, but, like the Burn this year, the Juhannus celebration ain't happening. Nonetheless I wish you all a happy midsummer and hope you and yours are doing well, or at least OK.
As a project-oriented constructin' kinda guy, I will never run out of things to do, from house and landscaping improvements to car mods and motorcycle rebuilds, but I know some folks are REALLY sick of staying home. I've heard some say that pandemics end when people just get tired of the restrictions, say fuck it, and do what they want as more people get sick and die. In some ways, that seems like where we are now society-wide. For my part, I plan to go camping, taking precautions around others, etc.
Hey, if anyone is in the East Bay, they may want to take a little jaunt around downtown Oakland (we did Broadway from about 12th to 20th) and check out the murals-on-plywood. Some really great protest art.