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Hei-hei Hushville! We need some flags and posts (and maybe whiskers)

Hei Gang,

The Hushville Infrastructure Team has been working to make sure we have all the signage, perimeter flags, town round shade, etc., to set up the village.  We already have located much of it, but it appears we are a bit short on some stuff, specifically:

  1.  We need additional pennant flagging strings to delineate and prevent encroachment of our perimeter, to the tune of at least 400 feet (800 feet would definitely take care of contingencies).  Such flagging should be high-strength so it can stand up to years of use for 10 days a year in what can be fierce winds.  My sense is that flagging that is OSHA-approved for jobsites is likely strong enough, but there may be other strings good for high winds.   If anyone has such on hand, that would be great.

2.  We need more stakes to hold up said flagging strings.  At least 20 steel T-stakes (and up to 40 or more would be better) are needed.  Got any?  They should be about 6' overall length.  These don't need to be the extra-heavy versions, but should be the standard t-cross-section steel stakes (which typically have nubs on them, originally designed for wire strands).

3.  Finally, we need to either find who has all the roadway edge marking whiskers from the last Burn, or get some others.  Does anyone know who took home the bucket(s) of whiskers last time?  We should have about 300 of these on hand to delineate the roadways.  If you don't know what whiskers are, google "marking whiskers with nails" or "stake chasers".

Email if you can assist with any of these needs.

