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Hushville 2021 Survey
Quote from
Deepstar on January 11, 2021, 4:34 pm
If you camped with us in 2019 you should have received an email from info(at) with a link to a survey we have put out to help us plan for 2021. If you haven't received it please email info(at)hushville(dot)org to request a link to it. It is important you take a few minutes to fill it out we really need your feedback. Thanks folks and stay safe out there
If you camped with us in 2019 you should have received an email from info(at) with a link to a survey we have put out to help us plan for 2021. If you haven't received it please email info(at)hushville(dot)org to request a link to it. It is important you take a few minutes to fill it out we really need your feedback. Thanks folks and stay safe out there
Apologies....I keep clicking on the link in the email but I’m not seeing the survey. Just takes me to the discussion group. Happy to fill it out if I can access it
Apologies....I keep clicking on the link in the email but I’m not seeing the survey. Just takes me to the discussion group. Happy to fill it out if I can access it