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Hushville 2024-When Is A Village Not A Village?

Starting in 2024 Placement has decided that there will no longer be categories for placement purposes called "Villages" or "Theme Camps in Villages" (TCIV). Instead, for 2024, and future years, Villages will either become large Theme Camps via a merger of all the TCIVs, or they will become Humans Uniting for Better Sustainability (HUBS) where camps are separate, but share resources such as solar panels and recycling, or they will split up and become a bunch of smaller separate Theme Camps.

The Flounders are still working through all the implications of this change, but for 2024 the Village formerly know as Hushville will now become the large theme camp known as Hushville. The various TCIV of Hushville will operate pretty much the same as they have before, they just won't have to file all the forms with placement they previously had to file.

We'll be posting more in the weeks and months to come about what will be done differently in 2024, but rest assured Hushville will be on Playa in 2024. It will pretty much look and feel the same as it has in prior years, with about the same population.

Stay tuned for further details.