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Hushville Camping Registration for 2022 opens May 12

Ok folks it TIME to start getting excited about this year's Burn!!!!

Our camping registration will open Thursday May 12

You can go over to the "Camping in Hushville page" and click on the button that will appear at the bottom of the page on May 12. The registration will stay active til early August so there is no need to sit on your computer waiting for it to open.

Having said that, if you are indeed planning on attending and camping with us we would ask that you take the time to register soon so we can get a handle on what our village population will be this year.

We are REALLY excited to welcome you all home to Hushville in 2022


CinnabarScout, brigitgoddess and Infinite Confetti have reacted to this post.
CinnabarScoutbrigitgoddessInfinite Confetti

Ok folks another gentle reminder. If you are planning to camp in Hushville each person must be registered through our camping registration link. Many of you have not done that yet so please make sure to do it soon. We need to get a handle on what our population will be and we really do not want to turn any camper away at our checkin when you arrive but unfortunately if your not registered thats what will happen No exceptions.


Please read this announcement, our discussion group subscription application had failed and you may not have seen this post. Sorry for the inconvenience.
