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Hushville Camping Registration is OPEN

Our camping registration is now open for 2023.

Please remember each camper needs to be registered to camp with us. If you are a Camp Lead you can register all your camper by name.  You will find the link to our registration form on our 'Camping In Hushville" page

We are excited to welcome you all home to our village on the playa. It is important that you give some thought to hosting an event in either the Flash Cube Performance Space or Poppers Place at Town Round. Our future placement as a village depends on increasing our 'interactivity'.  You can learn more about our events or talk to our events team by popping over to our 2023 Events page.

If you have friends or acqaintances  who will be attending Burning Man this year and you think they would be a good fit for Hushville please invite them to register to camp with us, we are looking for new burners to join our village.

So don't delay get your camp registered so you can check that off your list of things to do for the 2023 burn.

Your Flounders


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