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Hushville Camping Registration opens April 20

It's that time folks ! If you have secured tickets, you can register to camp with us starting Saturday April 20.

A few things have changed from previous years:

1. ALL campers must register in either one of our existing theme camps (with approval of the camp lead) or in one of our three new "Collective" camps (no approval needed to join) which are:

Servants of the Hat - for everyone working volunteer/staff shifts in a BRC departments - your camp lead is El Leon

Bucket of Birgins - for all first time burners - your camp lead is Ohio

Wanderers, Beggars and Thieves - for all those not in another group - your camp lead is Plum Lightnin

2. People registering in one of the collective camps are not required to camp as a group, they may camp individually

3. It is CRITICALLY important that if you register to camp with us that you actually do. If you cannot attend its important to cancel your camping reservation. Do not use Hushville as your "backup plan" we track no shows and it will affect your ability to camp with us in the future.

4. Your registration guarantees space for you up until Tuesday evening. Arrival after that will be on a best effort basis but we cannot guaranteeĀ  camping space will be available.

It's also important that you look at becoming involved in putting on or working on events in Hushville. As we have said many times our space allocation in BRC depends on it so if you wish Hushville to continue into the future GET INVOLVED. Our Events team will be looking for events and volunteers soon so keep an eye out for that.



Just a gentle reminder for those of you wishing to camp in Hushville. We don't yet know our physical location on playa but we have been informed by Placement we have been placed so your home will be waiting for you. If your sure your camping with us and haven't already registered take a few minutes and check it off your list.