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If you receive a log in message saying your profile is waiting approval please email admin(at)hushville(dot)org

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Hushville Friday Night Cocktail party TONIGHT Sep 4 on ZOOM

There was a nice turnout for the Hushville ShortShorts and Gin&Tonics
Zoom chat this wednesday (and by that I mean both quantity of people and
nice people).

If you missed it, there will be another chance on Friday as another
burn week event moves to Zoom, the Friday night cocktail party

This Friday 9/4/2020 at 7:00 Pacific Time (an hour later than this
evening's Zoom chat).

If there is anyone else from Hushville that you know how to contact,
please invite them.

The Meeting ID will be the same, but I will repeat everything below...

Direct Link:

Or type in these numbers:

Meeting ID: 851 7634 3375

If you have not done it before, Zoom is very easy. On android you
download the Zoom app from Play Store. It will work on either an
android tablet or an android phone. I assume it is similar for the
iPad and iPhone. On Windows you can download an app or I believe you
can just google the Zoom website then join the meeting right from your
browser (although the app seems to be harmless also).

Click the above direct link. Or run Zoom, then select "Join Meeting",
then type in the above Meeting ID numbers. There is no password.

If necessary: Turn on your video. Unmute your microphone.

In case of any problem, check this forum for announcements. But I
believe the above is everything that you need to know.



Another nice Zoom chat tonight. And we agreed to keep doing more Hushville Zoom chats irregularly, maybe once a month. So if you are interested be sure that you are subscribed to the Hushville Announcements forum (as discussed at the top of this page) so that you get an email when the next chat is announced.

Bob, thank you for again hosting a great event!

It was wonderful to see everyone and connect again.

I will be making an announcement soon on the HUSHVILLE EVENTS page about recurring Cocktail Parties - so STAY TUNED!

Dusty Hugs,
