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Hushville Greeter Station Signup Open
Quote from
Deepstar on July 3, 2023, 10:41 am
Hey folks the signup sheet for our greeter station is open. So what is the greeter station you ask?
Well, its where each of all you campers check in when you arrive at Hushville. The friendly smiley greeter folks will make sure your registered to camp with us and once your 'checked in' they will either direct you to the theme camp your part of or they will take you to find the perfect spot for you to set camp. Everybody who has done it in the past had a great time. We supply all the training you will need and there is always two people on each shift so your never alone. It is a great way to both contribute to Hushville and to make some new friends. So follow the link below to sign up. But please remember if you sign up its really important you show up for your shift, if you don't somebody else needs to scramble and change their day to cover it, thats really bad karma.
Hey folks the signup sheet for our greeter station is open. So what is the greeter station you ask?
Well, its where each of all you campers check in when you arrive at Hushville. The friendly smiley greeter folks will make sure your registered to camp with us and once your 'checked in' they will either direct you to the theme camp your part of or they will take you to find the perfect spot for you to set camp. Everybody who has done it in the past had a great time. We supply all the training you will need and there is always two people on each shift so your never alone. It is a great way to both contribute to Hushville and to make some new friends. So follow the link below to sign up. But please remember if you sign up its really important you show up for your shift, if you don't somebody else needs to scramble and change their day to cover it, thats really bad karma.