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Hushville has been PLACED!!!

We have received our street address from Placement!!!

Hushville will be at ENIGMA & 4:45

Our village will be similar in size to prveious years. This is in no small part a result of all the individuals and camps who have put on events in 2018/2019 allowing us to show the Org that we support their drive to more 'interactivity' from all the placed camps. So a big THANK you for all of those of you who have jumped in to provide or work at events in our Flash Cube, Streetside or Poppers Place(formerly town round)

Now there are a few things you should get checked off from your to-do list

  1. If you have not yet registered to camp with us hop over to our'camping in hushville' page and click on the camping registration link. Remember  each person MUST be registered to camp with us in order to be allowed into Hushville. So don't delay get it done. Keep in mind camping registration does not grant you access to BRC you required a Burning Man ticket to access BRC.
  2. A reminder that we are still accepting donations towards the replacement and upgrading of our Hushville infrastructure, so if you can spare a few dollars look at our post for how to donate through paypal. Without these funds we will be unable to continue to repair/upgrade the various items(flagging,signs, town round dome, flash cube shade structure etc) so its important.
  3. For all those theme camps within Hushville and camps that require some designated resevered placement. See our notice about how to contact us to reserve space. Please keep in mind if you are registered to camp with us we will guarantee you space to camp so only ask for reserved camping if you have a need to be streetside or a specific location within our village.
  4. INTERACTIVITY, it is CRITICAL that camps/individuals look for ways to either put on events in our performance spaces or seek to help with those events scheduled. If we do not continue to increase our events for BRC at large we are at risk of not being placed in 2023...and remember any camp requesting reserved camping MUST have an interactivity plan with our events team in order for us to grant you that reservation.
  5. If you have friends who you think would fit into Hushville please reach out to them to join us, we are happy to accept additional campers to make Hushville the vibrant village it has been in the past but again remember they must register to camp with us.

So stay tuned folks things are ramping up and we will continue to post important information regarding our progress towards the 2022 burn.....we are REALLY EXCITED to now be able to assure you all Hushville IS back for 2022

ElLeon, Infinite Confetti and Jim Foster have reacted to this post.
ElLeonInfinite ConfettiJim Foster