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So go ahead and register, create your username and password and join the fun.  You MUST include your  first and last name in your registration. We urge you to subscribe to the Announcements topic at least, to get important info from the Flounders in your email inbox. The subscribe link is at the bottom of each page in the topics. 

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If you receive a log in message saying your profile is waiting approval please email admin(at)hushville(dot)org

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Hushville has been placed!!!

We are excited to announce our village has been placed for this year's burn.

Our address will be Encantado & 5:15

Please keep in mind every camper must be registered by name to camp with us so hop over to our Camping in Hushville page on our website and follow the link to register.

Also please give thought to hosting an event in one of our performance space. Our continued placement in future years depends to a large extent on our interactivity. So if you want Hushville to continue to be your home in the years to come we need your involvement. Go to our 2023 Events page to see what has already been planned and to register your event.

It's getting close folks and we are VERY excited to soon welcome you home

The Flounders

Infinite Confetti and Erin Mccloskey have reacted to this post.
Infinite ConfettiErin Mccloskey

best location on playa - no doubt! 😉


also, yes please to us all hosting more events! submit your juiciness here xx