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Hushville Ice Soiree 2022

Hushville Ice Soiree 2022

Continuing the not so long ago, quasi-annual tradition of the Hushville Ice Soiree, we have a shift dedicated for Hushville campers at Arctica, one of the coolest places on the Playa.

The shift is reserved for us for Wednesday August 31, at 8:45 AM.

This will allow 10 lucky Hushvillians reserved spots for Hushville staffing at Centre Camp before the shift work goes public. More on sign ups in a few weeks, but please take a look at the positions available:

We are responsible for ensuring that everyone who is volunteering with Arctica has completed the following BEFORE they sign up:

Burner Profile

Volunteer Form, checking "Arctica Ice Sales":

Arctica is unable to assign shifts to people if they are not on the Arctica Roster. Anyone who has signed up but not filled out the volunteer form will have to sign up when shifts go live to all volunteers.


Thank you for volunteering, post questions here or shoot me email. Tig


Infinite Confetti has reacted to this post.
Infinite Confetti

daaaaamn! i'm way too late responding to this (curse you, time) but if there's a spot left, please holler at me! <3

Well my friends, the '22 Ice Soiree has suffered a bit of a flame out.

Arctica is a bit reserved as to announcing its schedule to for theme camp sign-ups so invariably sent me the notice of our shift reservation while I was out of town. That email and subsequent sign-up window, a few days later, all occurred while I was in the backcountry so I have nothing special to offer you for Arctica as a group from our village this year.

There will be a ‘sloppy seconds’ public registration for any open spots at the three Arctica locations, an announcement due in a couple of days. Again, conveniently while I’m out in the woods with another trail crew;

If you’ve filled out the Volunteer Questionnaire, which you’d need to do in order to sign up for Arctica you’ll likely get a notice of that open registration directly. It is still a great way to experience the playa.

My bad, tig.