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Hushvillians have a Great, Dusty Burn!!!
Quote from
Rob on August 26, 2022, 9:27 am
Have a Great, Dusty Burn!!! I cannot participate this year, so will be burning vicariously through you all!!!
I had the great honor of camping with Hushville on my Burgin year ‘19 and knew right away that I’d found home and after a week it was obviously a perfect fit for me!! Thank you Flounders and all of Hushville for what you’ve worked to build!!!
Have an Awesome Burn!!!
Have a Great, Dusty Burn!!! I cannot participate this year, so will be burning vicariously through you all!!!
I had the great honor of camping with Hushville on my Burgin year ‘19 and knew right away that I’d found home and after a week it was obviously a perfect fit for me!! Thank you Flounders and all of Hushville for what you’ve worked to build!!!
Have an Awesome Burn!!!