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I have an extra

I was able to purchase 2 tickets and a vehicle pass in the Stewards Sale. However, I only really need one ticket. Thus, I have a spare to sell.

Note that I'm looking for someone to commit to this ticket. If the Org cancels the event with no refunds, you'll still have paid for this ticket. I'm asking you to share the risk along with the reward.

The ticket cost is based on what I paid, broken out below. It'll thus cost the $479 price of the ticket plus a share of the delivery fee, Nevada Live Entertainment Tax, and the Credit Card Processing.

Here's the breakout of exactly what I paid:

Vehicle Pass
Price: $140.00
Service fee: $4.00
Subtotal: $144.00

2 Tickets @ $475 each
Price: 950.00
Service Fee: $8.00
Subtotal: $958.00

Delivery Fee: $25.00 (same as Will Call fee)
Nevada Live Entertainment Tax: $85.50
Credit Card Processing: $36.38

GRAND TOTAL: $1,248.88


Hello, I’d be interested in buying it; I camped with hushville in 2019 for my 2nd burn and it was a wonderful experience that I’d love to repeat, and perhaps get a little more involved in helping out as well. Totally down to take on the risk of cancelation as well.

hey little jack!

I would love the ticket I can PayPal you asap or wire transfer or however is best! Can’t wait to see you and everyone on the playa once again <3

I need a ticket and vehicle pass.  As a newbie, I thought I had done something when I created my profile......wrong. Before I could blink the Main Ticket sale was over.  I have my camp site set up in my living room and my 'gratis boutique' items packed.  I am ready for this experience with the exception of no ticket.  Can anyone help a newbie out?

My husband was lucky enough to get 1 ticket in the general sale and I am looking to buy one as we would like to go together. Our son has gone to burning man for many years.  We are in our late 60's and are looking forward the "burn"!

Have you sold your ticket? If not, I am interested in buying it.