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Individual Camp Size?


My wife and I are headed to the playa for the first time together this year (she's been previously, I've just been to regionals) and we're really excited about camping in Hushville!

We'll be camping individually and not part of a theme camp. We've got a Costco carport (10x20) to put over our tent and a truck. I'm trying to figure out how to secure the carport with lag screws and ratchet straps, and depending on the method it may extend the camp size further. I wanted to ask if there's a general footprint we should plan to stay within? Certainly want to make sure there's room for everyone and that we don't take up more space than expected. 🙂

Thank you!


Hi Catalyst, your camp will be fine. We will have room for your setup, don't forget to register to camp with us on our camping page and once you arrive on playa our players will find a good spot for you. If your registered to camp with us it guarantees we will have room for you. What we ask is you take as much space as you need but no more than you need. Happy to answer any other questions you may have


Thanks for the reply, Deepstar! We are registered and excited to be camping with you all this year.