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International burners, how did arrange a bike last year?

Last time I went to burning man (also my first time) one could arrange for a bike via some of the theme camps. I thought it was pretty convenient for us internationals but more importantly I believe it was better from an environmental perspective. I understand it didn't go quite hand in hand with the principles, fair enough.

Anyhooo, now that this option is no longer available, I'm curious how other international burners have managed to adapt to this hurdle. The org has some suggestions here:
These are all based in Reno though and we will likely be flying in to SF since it is way cheaper.

How did you handle it last year and was it a good solution?

Infinite Confetti has reacted to this post.
Infinite Confetti

hey Amir!


my partner and i came all the way from lil old New Zealand last burn... we organised our bikes through a US-based friend and swung him some money for his troubles (he did some maintenance on them to make sure we had brakes, then transported them to/from BRC). unfortunately our friend had an emergency which meant he had to leave site on Saturday afternoon, so we had no bikes lol. we tried to find the green 'communal' bikes but everyone had squirreled them away deep in their camps by late in the week (tut tut!).


i'm not sure whether we'll be able to rig this arrangement with our friend again, so our "plan B" is to fly into SF and purchase some second hand bikes there. we'll buy a strap-on (ahem) bike rack for our rental vehicle like this.


keep us posted with what you figure out! we're definitely open to any/all ideas <3



Amir Hakim has reacted to this post.
Amir Hakim

This may be of assistance


Infinite Confetti has reacted to this post.
Infinite Confetti

Thanks for sharing!

I've looked into buying second hand portable bikes and bringing them over, but in looks like it won't be worth the cost/energy. Also, read some posts that those kinds of bike don't do too well on the playa.

We are still a bit undecided, but leaning towards flying to Reno instead and renting bikes from kiwanisbikes. Accommodation, bike-rental and burner buss are all cheaper in Reno so we figured it will even out the cheaper flight to SF.

We're open minded though so we are welcome to alternative solutions if they cross our path.