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Introduction- Camp Wellbeing Wonderland

Hi Hushvillians!

Just wanted to introduce myself. My playa name is Lola Swims and I will be attending with my husband….DJ Science. We have attended BM a few times in the past….waaayyyyy in the past….LOL. This will be our first time back there since 2004. We are optimistic, positive, no snark, no drama types and we are so excited to have our minds blown by all of the Playa amazingness once again after such a long hiatus. 💫 Happy to help out fellow campers with anything we can- so just ask! We named our 2-person camp Wellbeing Wonderland because we love healthy living….be sure to take part in our super silly yet strenuous plank contest at camp on Thursday and give your laughing muscles a good warm-up for the day! 💪

Looking forward to meeting you all!

Lola Swims

ElLeon, Infinite Confetti and jen.econ have reacted to this post.
ElLeonInfinite Confettijen.econ

Welcome (back) home Lola Swims and DJ Science! <3  You sounds like fabulous humans, and if I was attending this year I would totally stop by your camp to detract your wellness with too many sangrias 😉 Wishing you your best burn yet <3


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