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Is anybody missing The Burn?

I miss the days when everyone on the Hushville list received every HV communication instead of having to search the website and hope for something new, which has cut the flow drastically and reduced interest in the 'Ville.

I miss the elation of pulling into a sparsely settled Hushville after driving through the night and arriving in the 11am heat and dust, looking forward to hugs from some old friends among camping-neighbors and some interesting newbies.

I miss biking around the playa and being blown away by the creativity needed to imagine what I'm seeing, backed by the persistence and teamwork that it took to make the concept a reality and bring it out here.

I miss cruising down a dusty street, headed for  some bizarre event that I've read about in What Where When and never getting there because I accidentally came upon something even more fascinating.

I miss the random encounters and unexpected conversations.  The crawling out of my sleeping bag at 4am Thursday to roam the playa from full darkness to the first rays of sunrise and to the ornate costumes of the White Parade and dancing at dawn by the temple.

I miss Fruits & Nuts, Home Sweet Dome, Mark's camp, the Town Round and Flash Cube.  And the people who made them happen.  I miss the view of Pyramid Lake, the dead gypsum factory at Empire and first distant sighting of the dust cloud over BRC.

I don't miss the long lines on Gate Road, coming and going.   I won't miss the signs of more takers at The Burn than givers, the turnkey camps that eliminate the struggle that is an inextricable part of my Burn experience, or the wildfire smoke that was headed for the playa when I last heard weather news from Nevada.  And I wonder whether the smoke is thick enough to make me glad I never attended the Burn That Wasn't.

In a time of too few hugs  ...

...Imagine this one from Tove




Vermillion has reacted to this post.
Quote from Tove on August 31, 2020, 9:43 pm

I miss the days when everyone on the Hushville list received every HV communication instead of having to search the website and hope for something new, which has cut the flow drastically and reduced interest in the 'Ville.

Actually you can receive emails for every post to this forum. Notice at the top of this page it says:

"So go ahead and register, create your username and password and join the fun. We urge you to subscribe to the Announcements topic at least, to get important info from the Flounders in your email inbox. The subscribe link is at the bottom of each page in the topics."

If you want to be notified of every new post to the forum, click that Subscribe link at the bottom of each topic. You have to go into each topic, then click Subscribe, one at a time. The above quote says to at least subscribe to Announcements, but you can also subscribe to the other topics. As it says in the above quote, "the subscribe link is at the bottom of each page in the topics".

I did that a while back and now I get emails with every new post to the forum.

Maybe people don't notice this. It took me a while to realize this myself. If you subscribe to all topics it is exactly as you describe that it used to be, that you will get each new post as an email.

And, yes, I am definitely missing The Burn.

Vermillion has reacted to this post.

The thing to subscribe to might actually be called a "forum" not a "topic".  Since it says at the bottom of my pages "Unsubscribe from this forum".

Whatever is the correct term. Let's call it forums. In the top page there are 5 forums called Hushville Announcements, General Discussion, etc.. Go into each of these 5 forums and click Subscribe at the bottom. Then any new posts to that forum will arrive as an email.

It seems that topics are the individual discussions within a forum.  You can also subscribe to individual topics, but if you subscribe to the forum then you will get emails for all topics in the forum, even for new topics.

Vermillion has reacted to this post.

Hi Tove,

Thank you for your evocative descriptions of our shared experiences at Burning Man and Hushville.


Missing them all as well, and appreciate you bringing the fullness of all that including being on the road.


Did you see the Wed, 9/2/20 Zoom meeting at 6pm PST, for ShortShorts and Gin & Tonics?  Hosted by BobSpelledBackwards2 and announced in this forum

See you there,
