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Join me at Bountiful Blessings for a super-fun connection!


Hi Hushville Campers!
Please join me for a fun and meaningful event.  Bountiful Blessings is a the gift of deep encouragement that is custom tailored to the context of the recipient.
I’ve scheduled this at Magic Martys on Tuesday and Thursday, 3-4pm
The big idea is that we live in a culture of hesitant vulnerability and meager encouragement. It can be amazing, even transformative, to receive unconditional, powerful, personal encouragement that is relevant and meaningful to your context…if only we can discern the support that people need and offer
what is already in our hearts.
Last year I “piloted” this by offering the gift of non-religious, personal blessings to random people who were waiting in a long food line. It was fun, easy and super satisfying for the participants. Really, they loved it, and I loved doing it!
So this year we will invite  Burners to stop by Magic Martys during Tuesday or Thursday, 3-4pm, to receive a blessing that is “just right” for them and their situation. I have a great method for doing that creates a strong personal connection without being intrusive. No Tarot cards, no woo-woo, just deep listening and speaking from a place of unconditional acceptance and deep encouragement. As an experienced life and leadership coach, I do this all the time and can help you learn or practice the skills to create an instant, deep connection that is meaningful for you and the recipient.
Will you join me to make this real? Please reply directly to me at stefano@leadingchange.netand I’ll be in touch quickly!
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