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Keep Burning Man alive - can we get 100% participation?
Quote from Little Jack on April 18, 2020, 12:28 pmI'm sent this out as an email to those whose email addresses I had at hand, and I'm posting it here as well. Please feel free to copy and paste this as an email to your campmates and anyone else you know who camps in or is associated with Hushville.I've just attended a webinar from the BM Org (along with at least one other Flounder) to discuss the ticket refunds, and keeping Burning Man going into the future.I will say right off the bat that I am incredibly cynical, and that I was very moved by the transparency of the Org. They showed some financial slides which we're hoping they share more publicly, and the need is real and I was very moved.I would love to see 100 percent participation from Hushville in donating to the Org ( If you got a DGS ticket from us, please consider donating some or all of it back when the tool goes live the week of April 27th.I TOTALLY understand that times are hard - I've been out of work for 6 months, and I cannot afford to donate back my entire purchase of 2 tickets and a VP. The current situation has made job hunting extremely difficult, and I don't know when I'll have employment again. That said, I'm going to do a partial donation back. Burning Man matters to me. You all matter to me.I'd really like to see everyone who camps in, has camped in, or wants to camp in Hushville make a donation, no matter how small. Maybe think about the amount you'd spend on BM stuff or food this year and donate that. Maybe the amount you'd pay for gas to and from the event, or the cost of a Burner Express Bus ticket. Even $5, $10, or $20 would help.I'd like to relay a couple of the excellent points that were made on the call.1. Yes, they're talking to the huge camps with massive budgets, as well as to corporate donors. The question that struck home for me was do you want to go back to a corporate funded event, or one that we all chipped in to make happen? Burning Man is a unique event, and more than that - it's a unique culture. Think about everything you've gotten from Burning Man, and what you can do to help it keep going.2. A number of the donors mentioned above, as well as some grant programs, look a lot at the percent of participants who donate much more than the amount raised. They want to see buy-in from the community before they step up. This could be for donations or matching grants.Finally, If you're fortunate enough to be employed, your employer may have a matching donation program for non profits, which of course BM is.-Little Jack

Quote from Rob on April 18, 2020, 6:30 pmMaking a donation was quick and easy!
It felt good to give to an organization that has built what they have!!
Making a donation was quick and easy!
It felt good to give to an organization that has built what they have!!