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Know Your Rights Training 8-16-23

Got this from placement:

We know it's busy packing time, but there's a Know Your Rights training this Wednesday 8/16 at 5:30pm PDT / 8:30pm EDT that you may want to attend or send your campmates to. The training will go over your rights when you encounter law enforcement at Burning Man and common scenarios that happen at Burning Man (driving in to Gate Road, being stopped on foot, etc.).

No need to RSVP, the Zoom link is here:

A few more notes...

1) If you cannot attend the training this Wednesday, they will also be hosting an on-playa Know Your Rights workshop on Tuesday at 3:00pm at Black Rock Municipal Court at 4:15 and F.

2) For those who cannot attend the webinar or in-person workshop, the link below is to a Know Your Rights flier that camps can share with their campers to review their rights before they head to playa.