Ask questions, share ideas, promote your event and much much more. You have come to the right place. 

So go ahead and register, create your username and password and join the fun.  You MUST include your  first and last name in your registration. We urge you to subscribe to the Announcements topic at least, to get important info from the Flounders in your email inbox. The subscribe link is at the bottom of each page in the topics. 

New User Registration

If you receive a log in message saying your profile is waiting approval please email admin(at)hushville(dot)org

Forum Navigation
Please to create posts and topics.

Last Call for Camping Registrations

Our camping registration will close on Thursday Aug 18 at 12 noon Pacific.

For those of you who haven't yet registered its important you do it now, and for theme camps within our village please ensure all your campers have registered. (go to the camping in Hushville page and click on the camping registration link)

Unregistered campers will be denied entry so it very important this piece of your prep is completed.

There will be a separate announcement after the 18th on the procedure to follow for your arrival when you get to our Hushville check in as well the the hours our greeter station will be active.

we are getting close folks and very very excited to welcome you all back to our village on the playa, its going to be an EPIC burn
