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Leaving Hushville

Hi folks its almost time to hit the road for the playa. Safe travels all.

Last year we had two camps leave things in their space for someone else to pick up after they all left. This is absolutely unacceptable and it caused us alot of stress on playa since we didn't know if it was abandonded moop or waiting for pickup.
This year under no circumstances should anything be left in your camp space after your last camper has left. The last person out must leave your space absolutely clear of everything and have done a  complete moop sweep of your space.
Failure to do this will result in your entire camp being excluded from camping in Hushville in future years. So this is kinda a big deal. Also keep in mind bikes left count as moop so don't do it.
One of the criteria for our village placement is moop results from resto, last year we weren't green and thats troubling so let's all up our game and be all green this year.