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I could really use some help Monday evening/Tuesday morning to do more intensive MOOP sweeps than we have in the past. We had five red marks on the MOOP Map. You can check it out here: Leaving No Trace 2022: MOOP Maps, Inspection, and the New #1 MOOP | Burning Man Journal We can do better. We should have both a metal detector and at least two Mag Rakes to help with the sweep.

Staying over until Tuesday makes your Exodus much less stressful. Most years it's a straight drive to the highway with no pulsing. Our goal is to be done by noon on Tuesday.

For those arriving early, Hushville will have a new toy this year. This beauty: : Nokta Simplex BT (Bluetooth) Waterproof Metal Detector with 11” Search Coil : Patio, Lawn & Garden   You could be the first person to take the controls and sweep our village for MOOP from prior events.

Please contact me at the above email if interested and I'll give you more details.

We'll be departing on Tuesday and will be able to help out.

ElLeon has reacted to this post.

Excellent. I'll be in touch.