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Macha Moon Pies @ Moonrise Mixer: Sunday 26th 7:00 pm Town Round

Macha Moon Pies @ Moonrise Mixer: Sunday 26th 7:00 pm Town Round with Tig & PJ

Join Mark & Eva for Howling at the moon you Sunday Arrivals! Let's kick it off, the 26th is Full Moon Fever. Matcha Moon Pies, Sangria & Moonwalker Kush provided.

Not sure if we’ll have a decent view from Town Round so we might have to move this out to the playa if & when. BYOC, BYOP, BYOVape pens with herb basket appreciated.


August 26, Town Round 7:00 pm, Sunset 7:38, Moonrise 8:06

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Hi Tig,

Gentle reminder that Federal laws are applicable on BLM land, i.e. Black Rock City, even though Nevada laws may allow the use of certain recreational drugs. Be safe out there.
