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Oh, and another thing...
Anyone that would be willing to help serve gin and tonics at the SSGT would you please contact me now or on the playa? In previous years I've had some lovely people help out with this. You'd have to cut limes and serve drinks as the SSGT begins and is in progress.
Anyone that would be willing to help serve gin and tonics at the SSGT would you please contact me now or on the playa? In previous years I've had some lovely people help out with this. You'd have to cut limes and serve drinks as the SSGT begins and is in progress.
Quote from
prlgrl on August 21, 2019, 8:21 pm
I'm around Wednesday and would love to help serve. I'll be on site this Friday and camping with Anti-M's Home For Wayward Art.
I'm around Wednesday and would love to help serve. I'll be on site this Friday and camping with Anti-M's Home For Wayward Art.
Perfect! I'll likely touch base with you this weekend, and if not, I'll be on the town round.
Perfect! I'll likely touch base with you this weekend, and if not, I'll be on the town round.
I will bring gin, vodka, vermouth and olives for martinis of different types.
I will bring gin, vodka, vermouth and olives for martinis of different types.