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One Old Team & One New Team Seeking Members

The Flounders are looking for Hushville denizens that would be interested in joining our Leave No Trace Team or a new team we're tentatively calling the Sustainability Team.

The LNT Team would require you to stay an extra day at out village site and do line sweeps of our village site so we can do better on the MOOP map for 2023. So you'd be leaving on Tuesday and avoiding a lot of the Exodus crunch. There are a few other things we'd like you to do, but that is the main one. A HUGE plus would be if you have and would be willing to bring to the event a metal detector.

The Sustainability Team is a new concept we're working on to up our village game on the Sustainability front. This could include shared recycling and composting resources as well as solar charging stations at the town round. We're open to other ideas.

If you are interested email Replace at with @ for my email address.



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