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Orientation of 12 o'clock

Hi Gang,

Anyone know the anticipated layout of the city vis-a-vis compass headings?  Just thinking about my campsite layout...   Is the Man normally "almost north" of 6 o'clock?


Vermillion has reacted to this post.

Hi the past the north axis runs up 4:30 to the Man, and past the Man out into the open playa. In our old location, at 5:30, it was pretty close to due north to the Man, about 20 degrees off.

Now that we are moved over to 6:30 the difference is more pronounced. My rough calculation is that the Man would be about 60 degrees to the East from due North. I always try to set up my dome with the doors not catching either sunrise or sunset. BTW, the sunrise is at about 80 degrees, and sunset at 280. Both of them 10 degrees or so north of the East West line.

Does this make sense?       Gary

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Vermillion and aqua_13 have reacted to this post.

Great orienting, Gary.  Thanks.  Wonder if the Black Rock City layout will be same as in past years with respect to cardinal directions...