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Our New LNT Leader for 2024
Quote from
ElLeon on August 18, 2024, 9:01 am
I'm happy to announce that GrandDaddy has agreed to be out new LNT lead! GrandDaddy (they/them) is a camp member at HomeSweetDome and is returning to the playa for the 4th time this year. Please stop by HomeSweetDome in their traditional location, but without their dome, to say hi and offer to help them keep our camp area MOOP free.
All indications are that conditions will be much better for clean up this year so please help out GrandDaddy in any way that you can.
I'm happy to announce that GrandDaddy has agreed to be out new LNT lead! GrandDaddy (they/them) is a camp member at HomeSweetDome and is returning to the playa for the 4th time this year. Please stop by HomeSweetDome in their traditional location, but without their dome, to say hi and offer to help them keep our camp area MOOP free.
All indications are that conditions will be much better for clean up this year so please help out GrandDaddy in any way that you can.