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Planning for your arrival in Hushville -please read

Here is what you need to know about your arrival:


All campers must enter through our greeter station entrance on E at about 4:45 do NOT simply drive in to the village.


If you arrive before Saturday August 27th, our Greet Station will not yet be open. DO NOT simply setup camp unless you have been placed with a designated location. If you you inadvertently setup in a spot designated for someone else you'll be required to take down your camp and move, and nobody wants that. If you arrive before the Greeter Station opens, please look for Tonka, El Leon,Rascal, Indigo they will find you a spot until the Greeter Station opens Friday evening. If you are placed before the Greeter Station opens, please make sure to come back to it when it's staffed and check in so we know you're with us and people can find you.


If you arrive outside of Greeter Station open hours please park along E street or F street in front of Hushville and wait for the greater station to open. DO NOT drive in and set up camp (see note above about having to move).


Drivers please print off your camping registration ticket and place it on your dash when you arrive at our greeter station, passengers in the car DO NOT need to print their camping ticket we will have you on our registration list.


Greeter Station hours of operation:


Friday 8/26:

6pm - 10pm


Saturday 8/27 - Monday 8/29

Greeter Station will open at 8am on Saturday and run staight through to midnight Monday night


Tuesday 8/30

8am – 8 pm


From Wednesday 8/31 through the rest of the Burn, the Greeter station will be open daily during daylight hours.

So plan your arrival to coincide with our greeter station hours of operation

Remember our greeters are Hushville volunteers,they are there to help you, please treat them with kindness & respect.