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Playa Conditions

Quote from ElLeon on August 21, 2023, 5:45 pmBelow is info from the Borg regarding (relatively) current conditions at BRC. Please monitor the websites they suggest while you have decent cell coverage. I expect things will be mostly caught up by opening, but information is power.
Please review your Survival Guide about the routes to Burning Man. Getting To & From BRC – Survival Guide 2023 ( It is particularly important this year given the weather conditions to follow the standard routes suggested in the survival guide. Do not improvise based on a GPS or map program even if the route you want to take is really backed up.
I'm also posting some info from Ohio about road conditions in the desert.
Safe travels everyone!
From the Burning Man Organization:
Gate Road is closed and all vehicle movement in, out, and around Black Rock City is stopped. This will likely last through at least Tuesday (22nd August) at noon.
Remember, it can sometimes take more than 12 hours for the playa to dry after heavy rain, so please be patient — we will open up as soon as possible.
We'll keep you posted via and Review these websites before you travel to the playa; we'll give the all-clear as soon as possible.
Weather happens — don't panic. We might be a little behind, but it's Burning Man, and everything will be okay in the end!
Thanks, everyone; travel safe, and we'll see you soon.
From Ohio:
Most of you guys are not from the desert. Since out here in the desertwe get so few significant storms and the ones we do would overwhelmculverts, we don't bother to put them in except for major washes andarroyos. Just let the water wash over the road. Since you can't tellhow deep the water is (unless you're in Texas where they have floodgauges) DON'T DRIVE INTO FLOWING WATER! Even if it was a gentle dip lastyear, it may have washed out this time. The same holds for standingwater. You can't see the pot holes folks.On my route to BRC I pass thru several narrows where the road cuts thrumountains. If you are caught by a flash flood in one of these drive yourcar to the highest point you can and CLIMB TO SAFETY!I want to see all of you when I can get back to the Playa next year.This doesn't touch on the condition of the Playa. THE NWS is forecasting1.4 inches of rain by Tuesday for Fallon.Ohio
Below is info from the Borg regarding (relatively) current conditions at BRC. Please monitor the websites they suggest while you have decent cell coverage. I expect things will be mostly caught up by opening, but information is power.
Please review your Survival Guide about the routes to Burning Man. Getting To & From BRC – Survival Guide 2023 ( It is particularly important this year given the weather conditions to follow the standard routes suggested in the survival guide. Do not improvise based on a GPS or map program even if the route you want to take is really backed up.
I'm also posting some info from Ohio about road conditions in the desert.
Safe travels everyone!
From the Burning Man Organization:
Gate Road is closed and all vehicle movement in, out, and around Black Rock City is stopped. This will likely last through at least Tuesday (22nd August) at noon.
Remember, it can sometimes take more than 12 hours for the playa to dry after heavy rain, so please be patient — we will open up as soon as possible.
We'll keep you posted via and Review these websites before you travel to the playa; we'll give the all-clear as soon as possible.
Weather happens — don't panic. We might be a little behind, but it's Burning Man, and everything will be okay in the end!
Thanks, everyone; travel safe, and we'll see you soon.
From Ohio: